Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

The Fingerschinder

Hey guys :)

This is the post about the Fingerschinder hangboard which I already mentioned in some of my preceding posts. It took some time because the project was just about to be launched and I thought it might be better to wait until the webpage and the shop are online. Some time ago Jakob, a friend of mine (no I didn’t commune with myself ^^) told me that he is working on a new project. It turned out that he has developed a wooden, portable fingerboard. When he showed me the invention my curiosity was awoken and I asked him if I could test one of the boards. I played around a little bit and liked it straight away. One of the features which make it special is the suspension system, depending on the mood of the user it can be either fixed stable or instable. Especially the instable mode is very interesting for training, as the instability has to be compensated constantly. Another major benefit of the board is its size. It weighs only 1kg and can be easily packed in a backpack.

That’s the board: 

 Jakob allowed me to take one Fingerschinder with me on my trip to Barcelone where I tested it intensively. I really liked it, it’s great, especially when you are travelling because you can train almost everywhere. Here you can see some pictures of my hangboard installations ;-) 

Everything you need for a good training session :) fits easily into a backpack

Check out the Jakob's homepage, there you can find all kind of information about his project, it's worth a visit :) in case you have any questions about the fingerboard, don't hesitate to drop me some lines.

Have fun!


Samstag, 25. Oktober 2014

Vital signs

Hey guys :-)

the last months I've been a bit lazy concerning my blog :D partly because I was too occupied with other things but mostly because I didn't feel like writing something about climbing. My personal approach is to go solely for things I'm passionate about. I'm convinced that it is  better not to do something instead of doing it just because "you have to".  Of course, sometimes that's not possible but in my opinion we forget way too often that we can choose most of the time what we want to do.
I'm not going to bother you with an endless post about all the things which happened in the last months, rather I will pick some highlights and write about them within the next days :-) so if you're interested stay tuned and don't forget to be faithful to yourself ;-)

Have fun!