Montag, 2. September 2013


Hey guys :-)

It's time for some news :-) I spent the last days mostly with climbing outdoors and on my restdays I was routesetting in my home gym. Since I have my driving license I feel way more motivated to try hard routes outdoors because I can return to the crags whenever I want. Recently we often drove to the Arena which is a phenomenal spot close to Graz. I can highly recommend this area to anyone who wants to climb hard :-). A few weeks ago I chose three routes there to concentrate on. Trainingswahn is the first one, it's an 8a+ which starts with a 7c followed by two more sections of 8b routes, in fact, the easier parts of the 8b's. It's a real pumper, the single moves are not so hard but altogether they are tiring. I already did the route :-), so there were two more left. One of them is called Hobkobold (8a), it's a completely different route compared to Trainingswahn although the start is the same. Hobkobold turns to the right after the start where a tricky boulder problem waits. I found a pretty fine beta, and did the route yesterday after falling once at the second to last move which is a nice stretch from a good tufa. Unfortunately the whole tufa was soaking and I slipped off pretty badly. Anyway I did the route on my next go :-). The last route is called Phallus Dei (I know the name is kind of weird ^^) it is an 8b with a bouldery start followed by pumpy climbing with a crazy crux at the end where you have to twist your hand kind of unnaturally to grab a two finger pocket. I already came very close to the top, once I even passed the final crux but fell on the last moves because I was so pumped ^^ but I'm really psyched for that one. Today I had a nice restday, spending almost twelve hours in my home gym doing some routesetting :D and tomorrow I'm heading to Judenburg in order to take part in a three days training camp of our Styrian team. I'm really motivated to train hard with a bunch of strong guys :-) and next weekend I'll be out in the Arena again :-), so stay tuned for news and pics!

Keep climbing!

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